Antica Pietra delle Misure
Piazza C. Pisacane
48015 Cervia
Téléphone +39 0544 979253

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Antica Pietra delle Misure

Antica Pietra delle Misure Antica Pietra delle Misure

Located inside Piazza Pisacane, better known as the "little square of herbs" given its function as an exchange and market of fruit and vegetables. It is a monolith dated 1636 on which all the measures that both the inhabitants of Cervia and the foreigners who came here had to comply with are indicated. It is no coincidence that it was placed in the square intended for trade, still known today as Piazza delle Erbe Above the stone there is the writing "True matrix of the measures of Cervia" and presents a series of typological units with the relative names engraved in Italian and in the Romagna dialect. Among the measures indicated: the "Passo" a sort of modern meter for fabrics and the "Quadrè" or the tile used for the construction of the floor and so on. However, not all measurements of the stone have been interpreted.

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